There’s no reason to put your home at risk. Prevent a foreclosure of your home. Take action today. If you need to know what to do to stop a foreclosure, we can help. If you are having difficulty making your monthly mortgage payments, you can protect your home, but you must act immediately. Your actions […]
What is a Short Sale
What is a Short Sale all About A Short Sale Can Be Difficult and Stressful, but Successful. A Short Sale in real estate is not always a pleasant transaction. There are many ways to lose a home but signing away ownership in a manner that destroys credit, embarrasses the family and strips an owner of dignity […]
A recent survey conducted by the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.) showed that some agents are finding the process of short sales has improved, and that is it easier to negotiate with lenders and close deals. 22% fewer respondents characterized short sales as “extremely difficult” to close in 2012 than in 2011, a significant decrease. […]
Understanding Appraisals
Whether you’re on the selling or buying end of a real estate transaction, you know there are several important parts of the process that need to happen before you sign those closing papers and celebrate. Here are some important things to remember about having your home appraised. First, be sure you’re not confusing an appraisal […]
So your ready to buy again but you’ve had a foreclosure and you ask yourself these questions. How long do I have to wait? How do I qualify? What steps to I need to take to be eligible? Can I be a first time buyer again? What a difference a couple of years can make. […]
Buying an home for the first time is exciting and thrilling! You’re no longer paying your landlord’s mortgage and you can do whatever you want to the space. Home ownership is a fantastic thing, but if you’re a first-time home buyer, one of the things you will miss the most is the ability to call […]